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Do I Need a Medical Directive in Place? How an Attorney Can Help

There are times when a person might not be able to communicate their wishes on how they want to be treated and cared for toward the end of their life. That can leave decisions up to family members who cannot agree or a judge in a probate court. All of that can be avoided with a properly drafted and executed advance medical directive that expresses you desires regarding care and treatment when you are no longer able to articulate them. The Fairfield NJ estate lawyers at Faloni & Associates can put a medical directive in place for you that eliminates the need for another person to make medical and end of life decisions for you. If indeed you want a trusted relative or friend to make those decisions for you during your incapacitation, you can execute a proxy advance directive allowing that individual to make decisions on your behalf.

Any legally competent person over the age of 18 can execute an advance directive. If you’re going to designate a proxy to act on your behalf, you will probably want to discuss your choice and decision with that individual. After that, you will want to consult with us.

Your advance directive must be properly prepared and executed. The instrument must be dated and signed by you or at your direction. New Jersey law requires that to be done in the presence of two witnesses, a notary or an attorney. Whoever witnesses the directive will attest that at the time of signing it, you were of sound mind and without any duress or undue influence by anybody.

Remember that people of all ages execute advanced directives. If they are so disposed, the directives can always be changed. Contact the Fairfield NJ estate lawyers at Faloni & Associates to arrange for a consultation on your advance directive. It’s never too soon.


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