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Congrats Homeowner! Things to Do After Signing

Congratulations to new homeowners! Now that you have signed all the paperwork, consult a New Jersey real estate attorney to review your documents and help you close title to your potential home. Below are tips to things you should do after signing:

  1. A misplaced signature or overlooked clause can spell trouble if not caught early. An experienced attorney can ensure all the documents are complete and that your interests in the new home are adequately protected within the applicable statute of limitations.
  2. Before you incur any expense of inspections or mortgage applications, check with a Fairfield NJ attorney to verify that the contract and any addendum’s have been signed by all parties. Tell us of any agreements between you and the sellers regarding personal property, repairs, change of closing dates, or any other matters not contained in the contract.
  3. Diary all contingency dates, such as: Termite, Home Inspection, Septic Inspection, Well Inspection and Mortgage contingency dates.  Communicate with your real estate agent regarding the scheduling of all inspections and mortgage applications.  If any of the dates cannot be met, contact this office immediately so that we may request an extension.  Failure to meet these deadlines may result in a waiver of the contingency.
  4. If any of the inspections reveal defects, communicate with this office immediately. Attempt to obtain written estimates for repair of the defective condition.  Your realtor may be helpful in obtaining estimates.  Promptly submit these written estimates to this office, so that we may communicate them to the seller’s attorney and attempt to resolve who and how much is to be contributed by each party.  Your realtor can assist you in negotiating disputed repairs.
  5. Prior to closing, make arrangements through the realtor to establish utilities in your name.
  6. Prior to closing, you must obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy and supply this office and the lender with a copy. The legal name and correct address for the lending institution and yourself must appear on the policy.  The amount of insurance must be at least equal to the amount borrowed.  It is suggested that the insurance be for at least the purchase price or fair market value, whichever is greater.  Discuss with your insurance agent additional insurance for your personal property, domestic help, and other insurance needs.  Contact this office for exact instructions on the homeowner’s insurance requirements.  The policy must be in effect on the date of closing.  Your lending institution may require an original policy and paid receipt prior to releasing funds for closing.
  7. Do not make repairs or move property into your new home until after closing.
  8. The day before closing, this office will contact you with the amount of funds you will require at closing, if any. You must bring to the closing certified funds.  The lending institution will not release any closing figures until approximately 24 hours before closing.  Do not contact this office prior to the day before to obtain closing figures.
  9. You must make arrangements through the realtor to conduct a walk-through inspection on the day of the closing. At the time of the walk-through inspection, check all heating, electrical, plumbing and septic systems, as well as appliances.  After the closing you cannot complain of defects, nor will any defects be corrected after the closing.
  10. Any disputes arising after the closing, which require the services of this office, will be billed at an hourly rate consistent with our current hourly rates for civil matters.
  11. Be prepared for unanticipated delays in closing. The closing date is an anticipated date only; although every effort will be made to close on this date, it is not always possible.

If you or a loved one are struggling with closing your transaction or other issues that may have arised, contact your local and experienced New Jersey real estate attorney to determine your best next step. Contact our office today to discuss your available options.


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